Frequently Asked Questions

What is square dancing?
Square dancing is friendship set to music. It is the state folk dance of Georgia. In particular, square dancing is an exciting dance done with four couples initially arranged in a square where the dancers follow the directions called out by the caller to interact with their fellow dancers in various fun and interesting ways.
When and where do you dance?
Jug Tavern Squares regularly dance at the Brad Akins YMCA, 50 Brad Akins Drive, in Winder, Georgia, on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, from 7:00 until 8:45 p.m.
We also hold square-dance classes on Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:45 p.m. when we do even more dancing. Experienced dancers are welcome as angels to assist new dancers or just to have fun. Check the classes page to see when classes are in session.
How much does it cost to visit?
For regular dances, the cost is as follows:
Visiting Dancers: $5/adult; $10/couple; $2.50/youth
Members of other clubs in the
Northeast Georgia Federation:
free to regular dances
Spectators: free
Lesson nights: First few (3) weeks are free; subsequent weeks are on a donations-accepted basis.
For special dances (usually with guest callers), the price will be announced, but is generally about $6 per dancer, $12 per couple.
What levels of dancing do you do?
We dance Modern Western Square Dancing at the Mainstream and Plus levels. Plus-level dances are announced ahead of time and are typically every other dance. We also do Round dancing at various phases which are announced at the beginning of each dance. There are usually also a couple of line dances thrown in which are generally demonstrated and can be easily picked up.
What do you mean by level of dancing?
The terms Mainstream and Plus designate sets of named instructions called during the dance that the dancers are expected to be familiar with. These same sets of calls (called "dance programs" by Callerlab which designates the lists) are used throughout the square-dancing world. To dance at the Mainstream level, dancers must know all the calls from the Basic and Mainstream lists; to dance at the Plus level, dancers must know all calls from the Basic, Mainstream, and Plus lists. The lists of calls and their definitions are at
Who calls your square dances?
Steve Holzhausen is our regular caller. We have guest callers every now and then.
Who cues your round dances?
Bob Morrison is our regular cuer. Guest cuers may appear from time to time.
What is Round Dancing?
Round dancing is done by couples dancing in a large circle (or circles) around a room. The dance involves many movements from ballroom dance that have been choreographed and are given as cues by the cuer. Round dancing is also known by the name "choreographed ballroom dancing" or "cued ballroom dancing".
What type of attire do you wear?
Dancers tend to wear traditional square dance attire, except during the summer months (June-August) when more casual attire is generally adopted. At dances with a designated theme, many dancers choose to adopt a costume to go along with the theme. However, there is no real dress code, and you'll always find plenty of exceptions for any time of the year, so just relax and don't fret about it. If you don't know what traditional square-dance attire is, just come to a dance as you are, and just observe.
How did the name Jug Tavern come about?
Jug Tavern is the original name of the community of Winder, Georgia, which, was named after some bloke's tavern there.
How do I become a member of Jug Tavern Squares?
You should have successfully completed a class to learn how to square dance at the Mainstream or higher level, ask to be a member and be accepted by the club, and pay your dues of $10 per dancer per month ($60 per couple per quarter).